Short guide to Enchantment Show/Hide
Short guide to Enchantment

By combining crystals and - sometimes - other reagents and even essences, the players can imbue any piece of equipment with the magical property of their choice.
Now that the Enchantment interface is included in The Winter Forge enhancing items is quite straightforward. This guide will go through a typical inscription, step by step.

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How to create custom runes Show/Hide
Create custom runes

The Winter Forge now fully support custom runes. Meaning you can imbue blank runes with the bonus of your chance, and freely pass it from one item to another. Didn't you wish one day of an Armor Penetration rune, or of a Spellpower rune ?
Oh, and rest assured. This is actually less cumbersome and much more flexible than Awakening vanilla runecrafting...

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Inscriptions - Simple Enchantment [obsolete] Show/Hide
Simple Enchantment Mode

By combining crystals and - sometimes - other reagents and even essences, the players can imbue any piece of equipment with the magical property of their choice.
When the Simple Mode is enabled through the addon configuration, the players no longer have to manually place reagents on the Autel.
v1.0 update : Unless you do not want to use the Enchantment interface, you do not need to bother with this guide.

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Finding out scrolls reagents [obsolete] Show/Hide
Finding out scrolls reagents

You may have wondered at times how you could obtain a list of the reagents required by a specific recipe or formula, without having to alt-tab to this website or - worse - having to manually search the pages of the four codex entries. If so, you may find the two new options quite interesting...
v0.5 update : The scrolls description now includes the scrolls reagents list.

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The Enchantment Inscriptions [obsolete] Show/Hide
Short guide to crystal recipes

The Inscriptions are the final step of the whole Enchantment process. By combining crystals and - sometimes - other reagents and even essences, the players can imbue any piece of equipment with the magical property of their choice. Assuming they are following the right formula to the letter...
v0.4 update : You should use the new Simple enchantment method described above.

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Cheatmode and Inscriptions Show/Hide
TWF Cheatcodes

Because sometimes it can get really tedious to find one specific scroll, especially with formulae. And also because we are all, from time to time, in a hurry or plain lazy. Here is how to summon the recipe and all the required reagents for the inscription of your choice.

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